• Panchayat Degree College
  • Panchayat Degree College
  • Panchayat Degree College
  • Panchayat Degree College
  • Panchayat Degree College
  • Computer Lab
    We can Provide Computer Lab For Traing in our College
    Notice / Tender / News / Events
    As Per College Rule Download
    Sams Center
    Sams Center Also in our College
    7000 Textbook & 3000 Reference Book In Our College

  • Sams Center

    This college has one the few SAMs centre permitted by DHE of Odisha. The students wanting to take admission in this college have no need to go elsewhere to take admission help. The centre provides facilities for admission into both +2 and +3 streams. As a service provider in this rural backdrop it works amazingly. Trained staff are engaged to support the system.