ScholarshipNational Scholarship:Advertised in the national news papers. Deserving candidates are selected by Govt. India. National Loan Scholarship: :Advertised in the national newspapers. Deserving candidates are selected by Govt. of India.. Post Matriculation Stipends for SC/ST students only:The T.R.W Department, Govt. of Orissa awards these stipends. Scholarship for the Deaf, Blind and Orthopedically Handicapped students:Students between 17-30, with 40% marks in Higher Secondary Certificate Examination, are eligible for this scholarship. Post-Matriculation Hindi Scholarship.Junior Merit Scholarship:Awarded to +2 students on the basis of merit at the district level. This is decided by the Board of Secondary Education, Orissa. Application Forms are supplied by the Board to deserving students in the college. The students apply on these forms through college authorities Senior College Merit Scholarship:Awarded to the students of Degree classes on the basis of results at the +2 level. The deserving candidates are decided by the merit list of the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Orissa. The Council supplies the Application Forms to the eligible students in the college, who apply for the scholarship through the college authorities. Scholarship for the Children of Freedom Fighters.Full Free-Studentship:This is given to the underprivileged meritorious students. The number of awards in this category must not exceed 12.5% of the total strength of the students in the college. Aid from the Social Service Guild and Students' :Aid Fund are given to underprivileged meritorious students awarded by the central and state Government. Besides, the college also provides financial assistance to meritorious and deserving students in a few cases | QUICK LINKS | |||||